Dancing with Pain

Bottle girl, her life,
A world of glitz and endless night,
The day to sleep, always tired,
A life of party, never inspired.
Mood must be happy, though heart crying,
Pretend to be fine, though inside dying,
Drugs, drinks, to keep spirit alive,
Her soul compromised, she must survive.
Men around lurk, for a piece of her being
Addicted to money, her soul, fleeing,
Can’t leave this life, though wish she could,
A life of craziness, fast, misunderstood
Parties and music, a never-ending parade,
Sadness inside, in her heart it’s ingrained,
Can’t tell you what she does for a living,
Will you understand without judging?
She’s got to do what needs to be done,
Bills must be paid, in the setting sun,
Single, hard to meet one, with understanding,
Unfortunate, most won’t trust her feeling
But through it all, her head held high,
She’s strong, she’ll keep reaching for the sky,
The journey rough, the path unclear,
she’ll keep dancing, until finding her way here.
For she is more than just a bottle girl,
A soul with dreams, a heart, yearns to unfurl,
One day she’ll break free, from this life so wild,
Find a place where again, she is a happy child.