You are Imperfection

Let yourself be free, with limits and blemishes,
Embrace the beauty, in the grotesque and unpolished,
It’s alright to fail, not to know the way,
To feel foolish, to be hurt, to be unseen.
It’s alright to fall short, to feel envious and resentful,
To feel less at times, to be insecure,
To want what others have, to feel emotional,
To be angered for no reason, then to laugh at yourself,
Let yourself be vulnerable, open your heart,
To the pain and ugliness, that sets you apart,
Let yourself be human, let go of the need,
To be anything else, just the messy you, indeed.
Embrace your imperfections, and your flaws,
Be at ease with being undisciplined and impulsive,
For in this journey, nothing is as it appears,
Simply enjoy the ride, have fun, and let laughter beam
Who knows? you may not have another chance,
Maybe, No hell No heaven, so take a stance,
Be yourself, be alive, and don’t feign,
For in the end, who cares? In any way, you’ll die.